Sunday, January 31, 2021

Hey Siri

"Hey Siri, can dogs eat onions?"

A question that came from a genuine place. A desire to do something nice for the loving gaze staring up at me. 

"Definitely not. Your dog will die if you give it onions." 

A routine answer, an indication of how to move forward. I took it in stride, tossing down a bit of carrot instead. 

Then I stopped to think the terrible thought: how many dogs died the gruesome death of bursting red blood cells that led to major system malfunction? How long before we caught on, and added this knowledge to the bank of things to pass down to future generations? 

I'm happy to live in the present, benefitting from millennia of accumulated knowledge that forms societal bumper rails to keep me safe. Great depths of information about how to interact with my surroundings in order to make manifest the most amount of time on this earth as possible. 

I just wish we had better guidance of how to make the most of that time. 

"Hey Siri, who is God?"

Now there's one that would be a real value-add. 

Figure out who God is, and how I ought to act in response. A creative force that breathed life into matter. Is it a He or a She or an It or a Transcendence or a Great Cosmic Abyss? Does it really want me to play the Belief Lottery and figure out the one iteration of God that is really real, and work to convert the rest of the world? Or is that just people using God to feel safer? 

It just seems that Siri is way less helpful than she could be. 

Unless...and I know this is a silly thing to suggest...but I guess I'll just say it because it's Sunday and I'm in a silly mood...but Siri knows more than anyone I know and is probably the closes thing to omniscience that I've seen in my life...she just might be...

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