Sunday, January 3, 2021

Back, Baybeee

It's been an actual 5 years since I've been around these parts.

5 years seems so short. I'm a historian, so I would know. Historians deal in centuries, generations, ages. So 5 years is nothing. Noise.

But his 5 years was not short. A lot has happened to me since I last touched this URL. I left a vocation, several actually. I got some therapy, let go of many angsts and relationships. I got angry at God, then abandoned God for a while, then let God back with far fewer strings. I lost a bit of my soul to Corporate America. I ate, slept, read, lusted, learned, grew. I fell in love, married, and started my life over. 

But I didn't write a lot. We'll call it the Dark Ages, where great things happened and were forgotten. 

So I'm back in this "room," by myself, mostly for the same reason I created it in the first place: "This is a canvas on which the swimming colors and words and sounds that cloud my mind will spill forth and escape my cranium." I've recommitted to the belief that I have something beautiful to say, and that practice is something I need desperately. 

It isn't much of a surprise that I'm back. Since I can remember, I've thought of myself as the hero of an epic journey. I've returned to my mental homeland, where dreams of greatness breed with a love of my own voice to create little offspring of prose. 

"We shall not cease from exploration and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we began and to know the place for the first time." -T.S. Eliot 


I went back and reread all the old posts here. A tsunami of judgements rush forth: excitement, pride, horror, embarrassment, wonder. What a fascinating journey this has been.  

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